hello world. my name is dina! i am a college student studying computer science and philosophy.
i have been finding my place on the internet and programming since i was seven. programming is my outlet... i love that i can make anything i think of through the computer, and i don't think i've ever gotten over that initial awe of seeing my little html and css code turn into something real in my browser. the internet is so big and everything and everyone we could ever imagine is at our fingertips.
in my time growing up online, i've seen large language models become infinitely more powerful in front of me. the tech world now looks nothing like it did only a couple years ago. though this technology fascinates me, i believe that we are quickly approaching AGI, if not already reached that point, and by the time we reach ASI, it will be too late. i strongly feel this technology is dangerous in the wrong hands if not regulated thoughtfully, and that we are often neglecting ethics in favor of progress.
i want to learn everything i can about artificial intelligence. this is my place to talk about my thoughts, share what i learn, and hopefully make a small imprint on the state of discourse in the tech sphere.